It’s a new anonymous,
Making its way around the universe,
Keeping us anxious, hopeless and helpless,


This new ferocious friend,
Making us washing our hands every now and then,
Touching others is now banned,
Creating sanitizers with all sorts of brands.


Outside, people are getting infected everyday,
There’s only one way the Prime Minister say.
Stay at home, that’s a new norm.


but did you listen?
are you in quarantine?
did I mention
they haven’t created a vaccine,


over 2 million cases
and people are still leaving their houses
going different places
even shopping for clothestake a look at yourselves
do you realize what you’re doing?
over 100,000 deaths
because all we do is spreading
don’t you want it to stop?
then we’ll all have to cooperate
we can make the numbers drop,
but we all have to tolerate.
Before it’s too late


social distance from the outside,
don’t cough with your mouth open wide. please stay at home,
wash your hands
it isnt that hard,
to follow these simple commands.


To all the staff in the hospital,
Thank you for helping patients recover,
to show us it is possible,
as long as we have faith in each other.
Thank you for working so hard
So our worries, we can disregard.
We appreciate you with all our heart,
For have been working with all your might,
Thank you dedicated doctors and nurses,
They stay at work for us.
Let’s stay home for them and us,
and remember, we can end this vicious virus,

because Allah S.W.T is right beside us.

By Naeema Adlan