Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle


“The first wealth is health”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just like the quotes, wealth is nothing if we don’t have our health. Being healthy is essential for us humans but do we know the steps on how to lead a healthy lifestyle? Well, keep on reading and you’ll get the info.


  1. Keep track of your Body Mass Index (BMI)
    Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight divided by the square of heights. BMI is used to determine body fat. To live a healthy lifestyle, one must keep track of their body fat so that they will know whether they are in a normal, underweight, overweight or obesity state. When you can calculate your body fat, you can know whether you are living a healthy lifestyle or the opposite.
  2. Stay hydrated
    Being dehydrated will surely affect your health. There will be many bad possibilities that can happen to you. Therefore, do stay hydrated to avoid unwanted things from happening to you. You might wonder how much water I should drink, right? As for men, it is about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day while for women it is about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day. 
  3. Reduce your screen time
    In this modern world, gadgets are all on your toes. We are circulating around with technology. Hence, we do need to manage our time with our gadgets. We need to reduce sitting around and also wasting too much time on the screen as it may affect our health, especially our eyes since they are exposed to too much screen time. 


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